Last edited: August 14, 2023 at 01:20
If you've stumbled upon this virtual corner of the internet, I warmly welcome you to my personal blog. Here, I aim to dive into everything software-related, covering an array of topics ranging from frontend engineering, web development, software accessibility, and various other computer science subjects. And hey, you might also find some off-topic posts thrown into the mix from time to time!
I won't promise you fortnightly posts or a strict release schedule – after all, I'm not doing this full time. But what I can promise you are insightful and quality articles, with a sprinkle of fun woven in. My goal is to make your time here worthwhile, whether that's through explaining a well-known algorithm, dissecting a case study of an S&P 500 company, or even shedding light on some lesser-known computer science concepts. The possibilities truly are endless and I'm glad you're here for it!
Let this be the start of a good corner of the internet for you tech-savvy readers out there. And, just to be clear, please don't hold me to every word I say here.
Have a nice time!